How to find and manage sources for interview in journalism?

  • 12.03.2022
  • Blog Post

How to find and manage sources for interview in journalism?

Journalistic sources are very important, it allows journalists to find the right information for the article or subject. Sources are often people who can be witness, participants or experts.

If possible try to include a primary source in your article or subject like a direct participant. You can also include a secondary source like an eye-witness. In general it is always good to balance between primary and secondary source. The primary source is more reliable than the secondary one. Your sources have to be trusworthy and reliable. This is why it is always advisable to have several different sources, at least more than 2.

Sometimes you can also use an anonymous source, that means only known by you or other journalists. can help you to manage and store your sources for your news stories.

December 3, 2022. By Xavier Gruffat